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https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred has been updated!

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I've updated all of my workflows on https://github.com/raguay/MyAlfred. There are 69 workflows that I've created and use regularly (most of them). If you have any questions or problems, feel free to let me know. Since all of these were created with a need that I had, they might not all work for what you need. But, play around with them and experiment and you will learn a lot!


No, I will not be updating each of my individual listings in the Alfred forum or in Packal.org. That is just too large of a job for no benefit. Just get them from my GitHub account.


The Alfred 2 and 3 versions are still there in their own directories. Since I don't have Alfred 2 or 3 installed anymore, I will not be updating them.


Richard Guay

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