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after editing and quitting my preferences they go back to default. even after a restart. sometimes some points like 1password bookmark settings are kept but go back to default after restart.


i upgraded from afred 1 to alfred 2. my language is german.

i'm on osx 10.8.3 and alfred 2.0.1 (173)


thank you.

Edited by olly
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after editing and quitting my preferences they go back to default. even after a restart. sometimes some points like 1password bookmark settings are kept but go back to default after restart.


i upgraded from afred 1 to alfred 2. my language is german.

i'm on osx 10.8.3 and alfred 2.0.1 (173)


thank you.


Could you please update to 2.0.2 pre-release (in the updates popup menu) in Alfred's general preferences as this should sort any issues for you.


Let me know :)

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I have version 2.0.2 (178) and I'm having this problem too (OS X v10.8.3).


Alfred doesn't launch at login, and the "Launch Alfred at login" preference doesn't persist (it's unchecked again whenever I open the preferences).



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I have version 2.0.2 (178) and I'm having this problem too (OS X v10.8.3).


Alfred doesn't launch at login, and the "Launch Alfred at login" preference doesn't persist (it's unchecked again whenever I open the preferences).




The launch at login is actually a completely separate preference, not stored with the standard preferences. If this isn't being stored, you may need to repair your permissions. Try step 1 of this guide:






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