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Get Ingredient List from Safari to OmniFocus

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Just a simple workflow to trigger a crazy AppleScript I cooked up a few months back. Keyword is "ingredientlist" (mine triggers on "ing"). Triggering it will run the AppleScript in the background and let you know once it's done.


Download it now or keep reading for more details.


How it works:

  • The AppleScript grabs the URL of the front Safari window (only Safari for now) and pipes it through Recipe Distiller.
  • Then it strips out everything but the ingredients on the resulting Recipe Distiller page.
  • Each ingredient is added as a task to an OmniFocus project named "Recipes".
    • You must have a project named "Recipes" in OmniFocus. Mine is a Single Action list.
  • A notification will trigger when the script is done adding the ingredients to OmniFocus.


  • Will only cleanly pull ingredients from sites that Recipe Distiller can understand. Almost everywhere I've found a recipe I've gotten clean results.
  • Some sites may grab something other than ingredients. Keep an eye out for errant items.
  • There will always be a blank task before and after your ingredients. This is a bug that I now use as a feature; it surrounds the newly imported ingredients so I don't confuse them with other tasks.
  • The script does not save the URL or page title from Safari. When I use this script I also grab that info with this OmniFocus bookmarklet.
  • Once the ingredients are all in OmniFocus I nest them under the task created with the recipe name and URL.


Why would anyone want to do this?

  • Because you can. Oh also because sometimes I'm at the market and I look at interesting recipes I've saved and can then grab any ingredients I need.


So go get it and get cooking.


Download ingredientlist-to-of.zip

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