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You should improve from time to time this workflow, there's potential and this is really cool and useful to check news really quickly ! :D

I've a question but I already know the answer I guess : Is it possible to script something that will open an object in the backgroud without quit Alfred ?

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You should improve from time to time this workflow, there's potential and this is really cool and useful to check news really quickly ! :D

I've a question but I already know the answer I guess : Is it possible to script something that will open an object in the backgroud without quit Alfred ?


You can do anything with Alfred 2 :)

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Well if I understand right what MrClaye is asking, it'd be to open smth on the background on a user's action, right ? That, I don't think, is possible. Otherwise, yes it is.


And I do change this workflow sometimes. The link is always at the last revision. I just don't really signal it because I don't do anything major on it. Honestly, the only big change that could happen at that point would be a feed management thing. I may do that. I may also be really lazy ;) But sometimes I do get carried away ad do stuff like my Transmission workflow !

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Hey, first of all, this is a great workflow. I've only just tried it out, and it's perfect for certain kinds of information.


I'm just having problems with the rss feed from Pocket. And yes, I've definitely got my personal feed unauthenticated. I can download it just fine using "curl" in bash, and the xml looks pretty standard.


The only thing I can see that seems unusual is the CDATA tags round the title:


<title><![CDATA[Alfred.app: How to Add Tasks to Remember the Milk]]></title>
<pubDate>Thu, 10 Jan 2013 22:50:19 -0600</pubDate>

Could that possibly be messing it up? Or is there anything else that you can think of that might be problematic?

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