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Clipboard History, paste as plain text?

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would really love a way to have a shortcut (maybe via Ctrl, command, option etc) to allow to paste as plain text


is something like that available? If not is it possible to requests features in Alfred and if so where does one do that?


best regards



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1 hour ago, zeltak said:

would really love a way to have a shortcut (maybe via Ctrl, command, option etc) to allow to paste as plain text


Simple to make as a Workflow. Connect a Hotkey Trigger (with Argument set to macOS Clipboard Contents) to a Copy to Clipboard Output (with Automatically paste to front most app ticked).


1 hour ago, zeltak said:

is it possible to requests features in Alfred and if so where does one do that?


On the Alfred Feature Suggestions forum. But seeing as it’s so simple to achieve as a Workflow, I’d say it’s unlikely it would be accepted as a new feature.

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1 hour ago, zeltak said:

I meant instead of pressing return press `option-return` or `^-1` etc and paste but in plain text?


Hitting ⌘C on a clipboard history result copies it to the clipboard, so you can add a Hotkey that first simulates ⌘C, then gets the clipboard contents with pbpaste and finally pastes it to the active application as described above.

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