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PowerShell for Run Script action?


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Hey guys,

would you consider to add PowerShell into pick-up menu in Run Script action?


I like that shell and I would love to use it for my Alfred workflows...


Best Regards and Take Care!


 - Jan

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You don't need explicit support for a language. Use a separate executable script with the appropriate shebang and set Language = External Script, or use Language = /bin/bash and treat the Script box like a shell prompt to run your script (/path/to/interpreter ./scriptname "$1").

Edited by deanishe
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14 minutes ago, dzejar said:

Direct support would be superb!


Alfred can’t give you direct support because PowerShell isn’t installed by default. You’ll notice all the interpreters point to the paths that come bundled with macOS—for good reason, Alfred can’t easily guess what you have installed yourself and where and what you want to use, and pointing to something that’s not there by default would lead to issues.

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