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How to run a JavaScript?

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I want to execute a JavaScript that converts numbers to text (e.g. 500 → five hundred). I found great script on the web(https://skynet48.ru/javascript/summa-propisyu-na-javascript/) and now trying to create workflow but got stuck. The idea is to type numbers and get them in text. Please help.

<script type = "text/javascript" language = "JavaScript">
// <![CDATA[
/* ----------------------------
 Сумма прописью на JavaScript
 Author: Mad Max 2005
 ---------------------------- */
var money;
var price;
var rub, kop;
var litera = sotny = desatky = edinicy = minus = "";
var k = 0, i, j;

N = ["", "один", "два", "три", "четыре", "пять", "шесть", "семь", "восемь", "девять",
    "", "одиннадцать", "двенадцать", "тринадцать", "четырнадцать", "пятнадцать", "шестнадцать", "семнадцать", "восемнадцать", "девятнадцать",
    "", "десять", "двадцать", "тридцать", "сорок", "пятьдесят", "шестьдесят", "семьдесят", "восемьдесят", "девяносто",
    "", "сто", "двести", "триста", "четыреста", "пятьсот", "шестьсот", "семьсот", "восемьсот", "девятьсот",
    "тысяч", "тысяча", "тысячи", "тысячи", "тысячи", "тысяч", "тысяч", "тысяч", "тысяч", "тысяч",
    "миллионов", "миллион", "миллиона", "миллиона", "миллиона", "миллионов", "миллионов", "миллионов", "миллионов", "миллионов",
    "миллиардов", "миллиард", "миллиарда", "миллиарда", "миллиарда", "миллиардов", "миллиардов", "миллиардов", "миллиардов", "миллиардов"];

var M = new Array(10);
for (j = 0; j < 10; ++j)
    M[j] = new Array(N.length);

for (i = 0; i < N.length; i++)
    for (j = 0; j < 10; j++)
        M[j][i] = N[k++]

var R = new Array("рублей", "рубль", "рубля", "рубля", "рубля", "рублей", "рублей", "рублей", "рублей", "рублей");
var K = new Array("копеек", "копейка", "копейки", "копейки", "копейки", "копеек", "копеек", "копеек", "копеек", "копеек");

function num2str(money, target) {
    rub = "", kop = "";
    money = money.replace(",", ".");

    if (isNaN(money)) {
        document.getElementById(target).innerHTML = "Не числовое значение";
    if (money.substr(0, 1) == "-") {
        money = money.substr(1);
        minus = "минус "
    else minus = "";
    money = Math.round(money * 100) / 100 + "";

    if (money.indexOf(".") != -1) {
        rub = money.substr(0, money.indexOf("."));
        kop = money.substr(money.indexOf(".") + 1);
        if (kop.length == 1) kop += "0";
    else rub = money;

    if (rub.length > 12) {
        document.getElementById(target).innerHTML = "Слишком большое число";

    ru = propis(price = rub, R);
    ko = propis(price = kop, K);
    ko != "" ? res = ru + " " + ko : res = ru;
    ru == "Ноль " + R[0] && ko != "" ? res = ko : 0;
    kop == 0 ? res += " ноль " + K[0] : 0;
    document.getElementById(target).innerHTML = (minus + res).substr(0, 1).toUpperCase() + (minus + res).substr(1);

function propis(price, D) {
    litera = "";
    for (i = 0; i < price.length; i += 3) {
        sotny = desatky = edinicy = "";
        if (n(i + 2, 2) > 10 && n(i + 2, 2) < 20) {
            edinicy = " " + M[n(i + 1, 1)][1] + " " + M[0][i / 3 + 3];
            i == 0 ? edinicy += D[0] : 0;
        else {
            edinicy = M[n(i + 1, 1)][0];
            (edinicy == "один" && (i == 3 || D == K)) ? edinicy = "одна" : 0;
            (edinicy == "два" && (i == 3 || D == K)) ? edinicy = "две" : 0;
            i == 0 && edinicy != "" ? 0 : edinicy += " " + M[n(i + 1, 1)][i / 3 + 3];
            edinicy == " " ? edinicy = "" : (edinicy == " " + M[n(i + 1, 1)][i / 3 + 3]) ? 0 : edinicy = " " + edinicy;
            i == 0 ? edinicy += " " + D[n(i + 1, 1)] : 0;
            (desatky = M[n(i + 2, 1)][2]) != "" ? desatky = " " + desatky : 0;
        (sotny = M[n(i + 3, 1)][3]) != "" ? sotny = " " + sotny : 0;
        if (price.substr(price.length - i - 3, 3) == "000" && edinicy == " " + M[0][i / 3 + 3]) edinicy = "";
        litera = sotny + desatky + edinicy + litera;
    if (litera == " " + R[0]) return "ноль" + litera;
    else return litera.substr(1);

function n(start, len) {
    if (start > price.length) return 0;
    else return Number(price.substr(price.length - start, len));
// ]]>


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Welcome @pptxman,


You can’t just run any code anywhere. The code you posted is made to work inside a web browser. Technically you can run JavaScript outside the browser with default tools in macOS, but not all features are supported and that code is geared specifically towards writing to a web page.

If you can find some in code in Python, Ruby, Bash, PHP, or Pearl, running it in Alfred is easy.

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Yeah, the code that does the conversion could be pulled out and used in Alfred (or more generally, anywhere), but that is a browser script.


With JavaScript, it's important to understand the difference between the language and the browser. Scripts aren't run the same way outside a browser, and a lot of common functions and APIs are provided by the browser, not JavaScript itself.


The script uses a CSS selector target and document.getElementById() for all its input and output, but document and elements and CSS selectors are a part of the browser environment, not JavaScript itself.

All Alfred scripts must follow the UNIX model, and use ARGV and STDOUT/STDERR for input and output because that's what's available in the environment the scripts are run in.

Edited by deanishe
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