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Alfred AirPods Pro Connector

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a shameless fork of Alfred AirPods Connector (https://github.com/mariuskiessling/alfred-airpods-connector). i had to change the icons, really, i had to. also i like to have different keywords for connecting and disconnecting, so here we go.


Doc, screenshots, releases on GitHub: https://github.com/godbout/alfred-airpods-connector

Release on Packal: http://www.packal.org/workflow/alfred-airpods-pro-connector








Edited by godbout
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12 hours ago, godbout said:

i had to change the icons, really, i had to.


Have you considered submitting the icon changes as a pull request to the original, instead of forking?


12 hours ago, godbout said:

also i like to have different keywords for connecting and disconnecting, so here we go.


If you change those in your local copy, Alfred keeps your changes even after an update, so no need to fork for alternative keywords.


12 hours ago, godbout said:


It’s advisable to not submit anymore to Packal, because the website has been abandoned for years and has been getting more and more issues.

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4 hours ago, vitor said:


Have you considered submitting the icon changes as a pull request to the original, instead of forking?



yes. doesn't make any sense. the icons are subjective preferences. my Workflow has AirPods Pro icon because i own a pair of AirPods Pro. the one i forked has a box of AirPods, which is fine, plus some other icons i find ugly. are they ugly? objectively i don't know. i find them ugly so i changed them. i want to keep a track of my changes so i forked, made the changes (icons, text, keywords). i put that online. if you prefer the other Workflow, please use it. if you don't like the work i did it's fine, just ignore it. thanks.


4 hours ago, vitor said:


If you change those in your local copy, Alfred keeps your changes even after an update, so no need to fork for alternative keywords.



if my computer dies i lose my changes. hence the fork. hence the Workflow. it's not my first Workflow, and far from being the most complicated. sounds like you're the Workflow police? 😂️ chill.


4 hours ago, vitor said:

It’s advisable to not submit anymore to Packal, because the website has been abandoned for years and has been getting more and more issues.


ok thanks, didn't know about that one. is that official, or is that your personal opinion? seems you have strong "objective" and "official" ones.

Edited by godbout
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12 hours ago, godbout said:

yes. doesn't make any sense. the icons are subjective preferences.


Many Workflow creators use icons they find, and are happy to receive better ones. I’ve submitted icon corrections in the past that were accepted.


12 hours ago, godbout said:

if you prefer the other Workflow, please use it.


I don’t have Airpods. My comment was more concerned with the health of Alfred Workflows (and open-source) in general.

12 hours ago, godbout said:

if you don't like the work i did it's fine, just ignore it. thanks.


There was not even a hint of that in my original comment. You’re reading too much into it.


12 hours ago, godbout said:

if my computer dies i lose my changes.


I recommend you sync your Alfred preferences, to stay safe.


12 hours ago, godbout said:

it's not my first Workflow, and far from being the most complicated.


Yes, I recognise you. That’s why I assumed you were perfectly capable of making a pull request and having a conversation about it.


12 hours ago, godbout said:

ok thanks, didn't know about that one. is that official, or is that your personal opinion? seems you have strong "objective" and "official" ones.


It is semi-official, yes. Alfred’s creators agree Packal is in bad shape. And in the past we’ve discussed removing mentions to Packal from official documentation.


12 hours ago, godbout said:



will probably trigger you.


maybe you want to add your grain of salt?


Please moderate your tone. In no way was I disrespectful to you, and I’m frankly surprised you took it negatively, and so much so. Given your reaction, the “triggering” comment is particularly baffling.


Alfred is a friendly community which frowns upon user insults and attacks. As such, and to prevent the conversation devolving further, I’ll lock this post. I’ll gladly hide the comments as well, if you so wish.


If you’re having a bad day, I genuinely wish it gets better. Especially in these times, you never know what the other person might be going through.

Edited by vitor
Corrected spelling in two words
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  • vitor locked this topic
  • 4 weeks later...
  • vitor unlocked this topic
On 4/25/2020 at 3:10 PM, vitor said:

Many Workflow creators use icons they find, and are happy to receive better ones


Haha! This. Whenever I release a new workflow, I secretly hope that @Jono will take a shine to it, and then send me the totally sweet icons he inevitably replaces my crappy ones with for the next version of the workflow.


Seen a workflow of mine with a sweet icon? @Jono.


On 4/25/2020 at 6:42 AM, godbout said:

is that official, or is that your personal opinion?


It’s rather just the way it is. Packal hasn’t been maintained in years. It still kinda sorta ticks over, but issues aren’t fixed, and when it eventually falls over, that’ll be it.


It’s not wrong to put your workflows on Packal, but it’s perhaps not worth bothering any more, and it would definitely be a bad idea to host your workflow only on Packal.


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On 5/18/2020 at 10:55 PM, vitor said:

It’s been enough time. I’m unlocking the thread so users can ask questions regarding this Workflow. @skylin3 if this is the Workflow you were asking about, please go ahead and repeat the question here.

I've been having the same problem, have installed brew, bluetooth connector and checked python, still doesn't show any device to configure, could you please advice what to do? Thanks.

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On 5/19/2020 at 12:57 AM, deanishe said:

Packal hasn’t been maintained in years. It still kinda sorta ticks over, but issues aren’t fixed, and when it eventually falls over, that’ll be it.


Out of interest - and this is probably not the right place for this question - have the Alfred creators considered offering a formal in-app curated repository of trusted and/or managed workflows with one-click installs (with the obvious disclaimer that these are third-party provided, etc)?

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1 minute ago, SJ2K said:

have the Alfred creators considered offering a formal in-app curated repository of trusted and/or managed workflows with one-click installs


AFAIK, no. They have enough to do with Alfred itself. There’s Pacmax, which is doing a decent job of indexing workflows on GitHub.


We (the community) have been looking at setting up a directory of workflows, but there are still a few bits missing that are necessary to do a good job of it.

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On 5/20/2020 at 8:36 AM, 991309 said:

I've been having the same problem, have installed brew, bluetooth connector and checked python, still doesn't show any device to configure, could you please advice what to do? Thanks.


any info from the debug panel?

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12 hours ago, godbout said:


any info from the debug panel?

[10:28:38.985] Logging Started...
[10:28:46.992] Logging Stopped.
[10:30:44.300] Logging Started...
[10:30:57.593] AirPods Pro Connector[Keyword] Processing complete
[10:30:57.593] AirPods Pro Connector[Keyword] Passing output '' to Arg and Vars
[10:30:57.594] AirPods Pro Connector[Arg and Vars] Processing complete
[10:30:57.594] AirPods Pro Connector[Arg and Vars] Passing output 'Please select your AirPods Pro...' to Script Filter
[10:30:57.606] AirPods Pro Connector[Script Filter] Queuing argument 'Please select your AirPods Pro...'
[10:30:58.061] AirPods Pro Connector[Script Filter] Script with argv 'Please select your AirPods Pro...' finished
[10:30:58.062] STDERR: AirPods Pro Connector[Script Filter] Error: 
MAC Address missing. Get the MAC address from the list below (if your device is missing, pair it with your computer first):
60-83-73-f0-a2-eb - G’s AirPods

Usage: BluetoothConnector [--connect] [--disconnect] [--status] [--notify] [<MAC address>]
[10:30:58.081] AirPods Pro Connector[Script Filter] {"items": []}


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1 hour ago, godbout said:

can you try with this version: https://github.com/godbout/alfred-airpodspro-connector/releases/tag/1.3.0


also i'm not sure why it's showing up with my own AirPods in your log lol. my AirPods mac address shouldn't be exported. check in the variables if you have a mac address. if yes remove it and try again.


tried and it works perfectly, thanks so much!

I did not need to remove any Mac address, it directly recognised my own AirPods Pro.

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  • 11 months later...

for somebody like me that this wonderful script doesn't work, it is because my brew installation path was changed from  /usr/local/bin/BluetoothConnector to /System/Volumes/Data/opt/homebrew/bin/BluetoothConnector , you have to manually change those script to proper location.  http://a4k.io/qww , this is my edit version.

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a bit more complicated than i thought. need to learn a bit of Python 😅


homebrew should be installed in `/opt/homebrew` on the M1. is `/System/Volumes/Data/opt/homebrew/` a symlink or something? doesn't seem to be on my machine (not M1).

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6 hours ago, godbout said:

homebrew should be installed in `/opt/homebrew` on the M1.

It is.


6 hours ago, godbout said:

is `/System/Volumes/Data/opt/homebrew/` a symlink or something?

It’s a “firmlink”. You can ignore that.


6 hours ago, godbout said:

a bit more complicated than i thought.


Are you using the full path to the binary? Set PATH to include both /usr/local/bin and /opt/homebrew/bin from inside the script then call the binary without a path. Extra directories, even if non-existing, aren’t problematic.

Edited by vitor
Add styling to code
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2 hours ago, vitor said:

It’s a “firmlink”. You can ignore that.


had no idea. thanks 👍🏼


2 hours ago, vitor said:

Are you using the full path to the binary? Set PATH to include both /usr/local/bin and /opt/homebrew/bin from inside the script then call the binary without a path. Extra directories, even if non-existing, aren’t problematic.


yes, the issue is not the logic. thought of this, but no idea how to do it. then thought i'd check for `/opt/` if the command is not in `/usr/`, couldn't make it work quickly. i have no experience in Python, so i'm gonna dig a bit into it first. thanks.


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