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Microsoft ToDo (Wunderlist replacement) workflow

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Sharing a basic Alfred3 workflow for Microsoft Todo for anyone migrating over to ToDo as of Wunderlist's shutdown tomorrow. Alfred is my go-to for controlling Mac and the efficiency of adding and searching tasks via the workflow is something that I was going to miss with a move to another to-do list, so I decided to make a fork of prior work here. PRs welcome!



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Thanks so much for doing this! Alfred integration has been one of the biggest things I've missed about Wunderlist since switching to Microsoft ToDo. 


Unfortunately, I can't seem to get it to work. I downloaded the workflow and double-clicked on it and it appears to install properly, but when I type "td" in the Alfred box, all I get is the application—I don't see the options visible in your screenshots. I tried disabling and reenabling and deleting and reinstalling, as well as quitting Alfred altogether. What am I missing?


Thanks for any help you can provide.



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Here is the error message in the debugging panel.


[06:39:54.052] Logging Started...
[06:39:56.942] Microsoft ToDo[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''
[06:39:57.146] Microsoft ToDo[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished
[06:39:57.148] ERROR: Microsoft ToDo[Script Filter] Code 1: Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "alfred-mstodo-workflow.py", line 8, in <module>
    fileConfig('/Users/johan/Documents/Programming/Alfred workflows/alfred-mstodo-workflow/src/logging_config.ini')
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/logging/config.py", line 77, in fileConfig
    formatters = _create_formatters(cp)
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/logging/config.py", line 113, in _create_formatters
    flist = cp.get("formatters", "keys")
  File "/System/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/ConfigParser.py", line 607, in get
    raise NoSectionError(section)
ConfigParser.NoSectionError: No section: 'formatters'


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  • 3 months later...

Hi @jdb, thanks you so much for the workflow ! Of late I have been running in to authentication issues which I am not sure how to resolve, I tried to login to todo website and see if something pops up to authenticate the workflow but I dont see anything. Not sure what happened, I am seeing this issue for the second time and I dont remember how it got resolved the first time..




[10:53:36.306] Microsoft ToDo[Script Filter] Queuing argument ''

[10:53:36.880] Microsoft ToDo[Script Filter] Script with argv '(null)' finished

[10:53:36.884] ERROR: Microsoft ToDo[Script Filter] Code 1: .

2020-09-08 10:53:36,852 workflow     ERROR    

Traceback (most recent call last):

  File "/Users/hk890008/alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.165812FE-AFC5-4F5C-B9BB-928AA638E604/workflow/workflow.py", line 2073, in run


  File "alfred-mstodo-workflow.py", line 17, in main


  File "/Users/hk890008/alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.165812FE-AFC5-4F5C-B9BB-928AA638E604/mstodo/handlers/route.py", line 18, in route

    logged_in = is_authorised()

  File "/Users/hk890008/alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.165812FE-AFC5-4F5C-B9BB-928AA638E604/mstodo/auth.py", line 57, in is_authorised

    return resolve_oauth_token(refresh_token=workflow().get_password(config.KC_REFRESH_TOKEN))

  File "/Users/hk890008/alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.165812FE-AFC5-4F5C-B9BB-928AA638E604/workflow/workflow.py", line 2445, in get_password

    account, '-g')

  File "/Users/hk890008/alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.165812FE-AFC5-4F5C-B9BB-928AA638E604/workflow/workflow.py", line 2813, in _call_security

    raise PasswordNotFound()


[10:53:36.888] Microsoft ToDo[Script Filter] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<items><item valid="no"><title>Error in workflow 'Microsoft ToDo'</title><subtitle /><icon>/System/Library/CoreServices/CoreTypes.bundle/Contents/Resources/AlertStopIcon.icns</icon></item></items>

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  • 1 year later...

@jdb Does this workflow work in MacOS 12 Monterey? When I try to log in, it seems to be working and then I get this message in my browser. I think that deleting the keychain entry fixed this in the past but it is not doing the trick. 


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  • 7 months later...
On 6/8/2023 at 9:34 PM, jdb said:

Refactor released here https://github.com/johandebeurs/alfred-mstodo-workflow/releases/tag/0.2.0 and on Packal. Still pending MS graph endpoint refactoring but Py3 refactor is largely done

@jdb Request you to look into this issue @vitor




On MacOS Sonoma, I'm getting the following error when trying to setup td worflow. This also happens when running _td-full-reset and _td-reset.

Here's my settings from ENV

 ➜  ~ which -a python3
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