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navi - turn command-line cheatsheets into Alfred actions!

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navi  GitHub release

An interactive cheatsheet tool for the command-line and Alfred.

Download link and instructions: https://github.com/denisidoro/navi

Terminal demo

navi allows you to browse through cheatsheets (that you may write yourself or download from maintainers) and execute commands. Argument suggestions are prompted to you.


  • it will make you type less;
  • it will spare you from knowing CLIs by heart;
  • it will teach you new one-liners.

It uses fzf, skim, or Alfred under the hood and it can be either used as a command or as a shell widget (à la Ctrl-R).

Alfred demo

This project was originally intended to be used in the terminal but I found out that it was quicker to call most actions via Alfred instead.

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This is a really good idea, but I had to edit the workflow quite a bit to make it useable.


The workflow is fundamentally broken on my machine (navi: command not found) because I don't use bash. Sourcing ~/.bashrc does nothing. This is probably true of all new Macs (as well as many older ones) because zsh is now the default shell.


So I replaced all calls to navi with $navi and set a workflow variable set to the full path to navi instead.


I've also replaced the Terminal Command with a Copy to Clipboard action. When I'm looking up a shell command, 99% of the time, I want to paste it into my current shell (and possibly edit it before running), not start a new shell and run the command there unchanged.


I've also added a Snippet Trigger, so I can call the workflow directly from my shell (the Alfred interface is nicer than the fzf one).

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@deanishe, thanks for the comments!

1) the `~/.bashrc` loading is to add binaries installed via Homebrew to your $PATH (assuming that you used Homebrew to install navi + Homebrew is configured for your bash session)
2) would you mind opening a PR? I'll gladly accept any improvements
3) given your use case, you'll probably be more interested in the shell widget: https://github.com/denisidoro/navi#shell-widget

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What do you mean, @vitor? To bundle the `navi` binary with the workflow?

That would work, but navi heavily relies on env vars and stuff, so you probably want to source `~/.bashrc` in both cases. And if you're going to source `~/.bashrc` then it's best to have navi installed globally because that will work in the terminal as well.

Does that make sense?

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4 hours ago, denisidoro said:

1) the `~/.bashrc` loading is to add binaries installed via Homebrew to your $PATH (assuming that you used Homebrew to install navi + Homebrew is configured for your bash session)


I understand what your goal was. I was explaining why it doesn’t work and how I fixed it. As far as I can tell (please correct me if I'm wrong), the workflow doesn’t need to actually alter $PATH, it just needs to know where the navi binary is, in which case, sourcing shell dotfiles is overkill and also not guaranteed to work. Use /usr/local/bin/navi instead of just calling navi, or if you want to be friendly to users who didn't install it via Homebrew, add a workflow variable and use $navi.


Sourcing dotfiles in a workflow if you don’t absolutely need to is generally a bad idea. You don’t know which shell the user uses, so there's a good chance you’ll source the wrong file. Some users will add [ -z "$PS1" ] && return at the top of their shell’s config file so it does nothing in non-interactive contexts, and others will include so much stuff in there that it takes a really long time to load, massively slowing down your workflow.


4 hours ago, denisidoro said:

2) would you mind opening a PR? I'll gladly accept any improvements


I'll submit a PR that replaces the bashrc sourcing tomorrow.


4 hours ago, denisidoro said:

3) given your use case, you'll probably be more interested in the shell widget


I have the shell widget, which outputs commands in the way I prefer, but like you, I also prefer the Alfred interface. So I changed my copy of the workflow to insert the command at the current cursor, like the shell widget does.

Edited by deanishe
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17 minutes ago, Acidham said:

did you PR the changes or can you share the WF with your mods?


Not yet. I’ll PR the changes for setting the right path to navi tomorrow. That’s a pure fix and doesn’t change the way the workflow actually behaves.


I don't know whether @denisidoro is interested in changing the behaviour of the workflow (copying/pasting the command instead of or as an alternative to running it in a new shell). And if he is, the proper way to do it would be to make all the options available via modifiers, which I haven't done. That might require changing the Rust code, and Rust is strictly a read-only language for me.

Edited by deanishe
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