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Center Alfred Window Without Dragging

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I like for Alfred to remember its dragged position, but I'd like to re-center the window without having to drag it with the mouse.


Is it possible to manipulate Alfred's window position by keyboard, a workflow, script, etc? My goal would be to trigger Alfred, then if the window is off in a corner, hit a hotkey/keyword/shortcut to center the window and ideally leave it open for next command.



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22 hours ago, deanishe said:

You can manipulate most apps' windows programmatically.


Maybe I asked the question wrong, but I am looking for assistance specifically in repositioning Alfred's window without having to drag it. Would appreciate any suggestions.

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1 hour ago, evanfuchs said:

I am looking for assistance specifically in repositioning Alfred's window without having to drag it


That much is clear. But you can’t just reposition a window: you have to move it to somewhere.


Lacking necessary information, I can only give you a demonstration: an AppleScript that moves Alfred's window 10 pixels upwards and 10 pixels to the left.


I'm sure you can adapt it to your actual requirements.


tell application "System Events" to tell application process "Alfred"
    if (count of windows) = 0 then
        -- ensure Alfred's window is open
        tell application id "com.runningwithcrayons.Alfred" to search ""
    end if
    set _pos to position of window 1
    set _x to item 1 of _pos
    set _y to item 2 of _pos
    set position of window 1 to {_x - 10, _y - 10}
end tell


Edited by deanishe
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