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Filetypes in Open Search

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My apologies if this has been covered but I searched and found nothing that helped.


Imported v1 settings into v2. When I search with open, I only see PDF and folder results. v1 on the same mac shows many more filetypes so I don't think it's a spotlight indexing issue. Rebuilt spotlight just be sure but the behavior is the same. I looked in the settings and the forum for something I missed but I can't seem to figure it out.



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My apologies if this has been covered but I searched and found nothing that helped.


Imported v1 settings into v2. When I search with open, I only see PDF and folder results. v1 on the same mac shows many more filetypes so I don't think it's a spotlight indexing issue. Rebuilt spotlight just be sure but the behavior is the same. I looked in the settings and the forum for something I missed but I can't seem to figure it out.


The open / find commands should show almost all files (i.e. I see images, music, markdown files etc). If v1 is still finding these files, you may be missing a folder out of your default search scope pointing to where these files are stored.


It's worth noting that while folders in your home folder are included in Alfred's search scope, ~/Library isn't now by default to keep your home folder more clean... so Alfred may not be finding things like mail attachments by default until you add the mail folder to Alfred's search scope.

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