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Alfred "App" Store for Workflows, Themes Etc...

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Would be nice to have one official place to download, update and potentially purchase new workflows & themes. I would happily pay developers for their workflows if it really improved my productivity. I imagine you could build the Alfred Store right into the preferences panel. I know there's Packal but it doesn't update your Workflow unless you downloaded it from Packal which can be confusing. Plus there's no way to support the developer. 

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19 hours ago, Kevllar said:

Would be nice to have one official place to download, update and potentially purchase new workflows & themes.


This idea has been kicked around for a while. It may yet become a reality, but you shouldn’t expect anything in the near future. Purchasing is unlikely to become a thing; the community is pretty open and distributes their work for free.


19 hours ago, Kevllar said:

I would happily pay developers for their workflows if it really improved my productivity.


A lot of developers have a way that you can tip, such as a PayPal address. Use that.


19 hours ago, Kevllar said:

I know there's Packal


Which is a zombie falling apart. It’s a place, but no longer the recommended one. These forums are the closest to an official resource.


19 hours ago, Kevllar said:

but it doesn't update your Workflow unless you downloaded it from Packal which can be confusing.


It is, but there are easy methods for developers to implement auto-update with little effort. A store isn’t necessary for that.


19 hours ago, Kevllar said:

Plus there's no way to support the developer. 


Packal includes links to PayPal on user profiles. If you’re not seeing it, the developer hasn’t set it up.

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This forum runs on IPS, I love this software, it is even my choice of CMS for my webshop, it could potentially be a perfect Alfred Store where users can upload and optionally set the price and stuff.. People could still contribute for free if they want, but some people would be more motivated to create workflows for a price, and we could end up with more downloadable content. I don't think it's a stupid idea at all.

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