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Getting an issue where Alfred window closes for some reason


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I am using this workflow https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-booksearch with version 0.2.0 and an action in the workflow doesn't work due to Alfred bugging out. The issue is outlined here https://github.com/deanishe/alfred-booksearch/issues/2. I thought it was a bug with workflow but it seems to be some issue with Alfred and my macOS but I don't know what. And not sure how to get logs for the kind of error that causes this.


I attached a video recording of it to the issue. You see a small flicker after I activate one of the options that should transfer to next Alfred script filter. It flickers and than quits. 

I am running macOS version: 10.15.6 and Alfred version: 4.1.1


CleanShot 2020-09-02 at 22.51.37.gif

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I have tried restarting Alfred and issue still occurs. I remember having a similar issue once that was present for all my workflow invocations where a restart did help fix it. But this issue hasn't appeared for me in a long time (over a year).

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Have you tried deactivating some of the "power-user" apps you use and seeing if the problem still occurs?


You—and only you—have reported similar issues with my workflows before, which leads me to believe that the problem is caused by your system setup.


From your screen recording, it appears that Alfred's window is closing after you hit ↩ in the first Script Filter (which the workflow is configured to prevent), and then immediately closing again after the second Script Filter is run.

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@nikivi I really don't have enough info to know where to start with this. In line with what Dean suggests, could you try creating a new fresh user profile, activating Alfred there, and see if you get the same behaviour?


I've moved this to investigating, add more info as you get it.

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