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Alfred Not Loading in Retina for One Account on Big Sur

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Have two accounts setup on one MacBook Pro 16". Recently upgraded to Big Sur and for some reason on one account the Alfred pop up is loading pixelated and not in Retina. Tried uninstalling Alfred completely, restarting and then doing it again. Nothing seems to work.


It is the only application having this issue.


Please advise.




Welcome @daouk,


That’s a really weird issue, and looks something related to macOS. Do you have a screenshot of the issue? What theme are you using? What’s your Alfred version? Did you download Alfred from the website or the Mac App Store? If the latter, download from the website because the one on the Mac App Store is old.


Installed Alfred 3 and it fixed the issue. Upgraded to Alfred 4 and it is back to normal. See screenshots. Using default theme.

Screen Shot 2020-11-15 at 2.29.48 PM.png


This is very odd, and not something I've been able to reproduce, or indeed, something really fixable in Alfred's code.


@daouk from the title, is it correctly showing as retina in one of your accounts?


@neil4sa could you try creating a new user account and seeing if Alfred shows correctly?


@Andrew yes in one account it loads fine no problem. the other account for some reason it doesn't want to take it. Not sure what setting is affecting this rendering.

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