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Open 1 file in two apps at the same time

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I am just getting started, like the rest of us with the workflows that you can now do in Alfred and what I would like to do is to have a keyword or a hotkey that will open one file in two at the same time. I have tried a few different things so far but nothing has worked for me yet.


Thanks if you have any suggestions for me.




You can do this using a "file filter" (inputs), with the keyword you want, and link it to two different "open file" (actions). For each of them, drop the two applications you want to open the file. Additionally, you can link a "hotkey" (triggers) to your file filter, to get Alfred ready for this specific workflow.


Thanks Ben


I did that and it is mostly working. When I use a key combo and set it to pass through to workflow Alfred still opens.


I put the name of the file into hot key part of the workflow and pressing enter does get the workflow to open the 2 apps. I was expecting to be able to press the hot key and for the workflow to complete from there.




Is it always the same file that you want to open, or would you prefer to be able to choose the one you want from Alfred, and then open it?


I was expecting to be able to press the hot key and for the workflow to complete from there.



If I understand, you want to open this file in two apps without seeing Alfred. Well for that, I would write an AppleScript to do so, and ask Alfred only to run this script when you hit your hotkey.

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