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Alfred Theming is inconsistent across Snippet Viewer/Clipboard History/Default Alfred window


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After modifying a theme to include padding, it becomes obvious that the padding, font size and spacing varies between the default Alfred window the Snippet Viewer and the Chipboard History. I have attached images showing a theme that has a lot of padding (correctly applied in the default Alfred window, but not in the other views)


  • What you were doing when the issue happened
    Toggling between the different ways of launching Alfred (Snippets hotkey, Clipboard History Viewer hotkey, Alfred hotkey)
  • Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action (Update any third-party apps and restart your Mac if relevant)
  • Include the Alfred version & build number you are using
    Alfred 4.3.3 [1226]
  • Include your macOS version
    macOS Big Sur 11.2.2 (20D80)
  • Include the version number of any third-party apps relevant to your issue

Different Windows.jpeg

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