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Can someone explain the three kinds of icon options for script filter JSON?

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Following is from the JSON spec for script filter output:


"icon": {

    "type": "fileicon",

    "path": "~/Desktop"


By omitting the "type", Alfred will load the file path itself, for example a png. By using "type": "fileicon", Alfred will get the icon for the specified path. Finally, by using "type": "filetype", you can get the icon of a specific file, for example "path": "public.png"



I'm having trouble understanding the difference between "filetype" and "fileicon" in my tests so far, it seems like "filetype" always gives a generic blank file icon (even for folders). Take a look at this screenshot. (Download the corresponding workflow)


In case you don't feel like downloading the workflow, but just want to take a look at the script filter JSON:


cat << EOF
 {"title": "$file1",
  "subtitle": "no type",
  "icon": {"path": "$file1"}},
 {"title": "$file1",
  "subtitle": "type: fileicon",
  "icon": {"type": "fileicon", "path": "$file1"}},
 {"title": "$file1",
  "subtitle": "type: filetype",
  "icon": {"type": "filetype", "path": "$file1"}},
 {"title": "$file2",
  "subtitle": "no type",
  "icon": {"path": "$file2"}},
 {"title": "$file2",
  "subtitle": "type: fileicon",
  "icon": {"type": "fileicon", "path": "$file2"}},
 {"title": "$file2",
  "subtitle": "type: filetype",
  "icon": {"type": "filetype", "path": "$file2"}},
 {"title": "$file3",
  "subtitle": "no type",
  "icon": {"path": "$file3"}},
 {"title": "$file3",
  "subtitle": "type: fileicon",
  "icon": {"type": "fileicon", "path": "$file3"}},
 {"title": "$file3",
  "subtitle": "type: filetype",
  "icon": {"type": "filetype", "path": "$file3"}},


Edited by Mr Pennyworth
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1 hour ago, Mr Pennyworth said:

I'm having trouble understanding the difference between "filetype" and "fileicon"


fileicon means “use the icon of this file”, e.g. use path = "/Applications/Safari.app" to show Safari’s icon.

filetype is for UTIs, not paths (which is why you’re not seeing any icon). Use path = "public.folder" to display a folder icon or com.adobe.pdf to display a PDF icon.


You might find the docs for my libraries useful. I write a lot of this stuff down in there, so I don't forget.

Edited by deanishe
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