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Using Alfred with Parallels

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Newbie here so sorry if this is stupid question.


I'm running Mojave with Parallels. At the moment I'm using Alfred really simply ie - just launching apps. It works great when I launch it from my shortcut keys on the Mac but as soon as I'm in the Parallels environment, they don't work and I need to 'click' back into the Mac OS to use Alfred.


Does Alfred run in Parallels? If yes, what do I need to do? If no, is there an easier workflow?





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@Foxy Alfred should work in Parallels, but hotkeys may not be passed through from your Mac to your Parallels instance.


You can either take a look at Parallels' documentation, which may provide more details on how to pass through hotkeys to your Parallels environment, or you can access Alfred by clicking the bowler hat in your menu bar to show him.



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