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Problems opening devonthink URLs with Alfred

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39 minutes ago, Jason30 said:

is there a way to open it directly with PDF expert?


Not that URL, no. You can clearly see it's a Devon Think-specific URL.


If you want to open the item in PDF Expert, you will presumably need the path to the corresponding PDF file, not just the Devon Think item ID.

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5 hours ago, deanishe said:


Not that URL, no. You can clearly see it's a Devon Think-specific URL.


If you want to open the item in PDF Expert, you will presumably need the path to the corresponding PDF file, not just the Devon Think item ID.

A friend wrote a script for me (with the default software to open PDFs),my problem is that I don’t know how to tell Alfred what it should process. He said that I need to find a way to deliver Alfred my input. 

-- Open record with default app

set theReferenceURL to "x-devonthink-item://4D3C5C22-DF6C-4264-A279-A0B7386A2822" -- replace this with e.g. Alfred's input

tell application id "DNtp"
		set theRecord to (get record with uuid theReferenceURL)
		if theRecord = missing value then error "No record"
		set thePath to path of theRecord
		if thePath = "" or (POSIX file thePath as string) ends with ":" then error "No file"
		tell application "Finder"
			open file (POSIX file thePath as alias)
		end tell
	on error error_message number error_number
		if the error_number is not -128 then display alert "DEVONthink" message error_message as warning
	end try
end tell


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Hi @Jason30,

This workflow (keyword: devon) should do what you want, but it still goes through DEVONthink and, because of that, it is slow.


If you describe your use case in more detail, there might be a better solution. 


Also, please note that you can also enter the UUID only (e.g. 4D3C5C22-DF6C-4264-A279-A0B7386A2822 in your example). 

hope this helps!

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10 minutes ago, giovanni said:

Hi @Jason30,

This workflow (keyword: devon) should do what you want, but it still goes through DEVONthink and, because of that, it is slow.


If you describe your use case in more detail, there might be a better solution. 


Also, please note that you can also enter the UUID only (e.g. 4D3C5C22-DF6C-4264-A279-A0B7386A2822 in your example). 

hope this helps!

Nice!!! It works perfectly! Thank you for sharing!

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