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Can opening a folder in Alfred default to always opening in a NEW Finder window in current Space?

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To preface, I have multiple (Apple) Spaces open, often with many Finder windows.


When I use Alfred to open up a folder is there a way to have Alfred always open it up in a new Finder window in the current Space? Alfred defaults to navigating to another Space if that folder is already open in another Space (which is very distracting). I'd much prefer it if Alfred just showed me that folder in a new Finder window in the current Space.


Thank in advance!


P.S. I tried to see if this had already been answered elsewhere in the forums but couldn't find it. Excuse me if this has already been answered.

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1 hour ago, beaunetti said:

Alfred defaults to navigating to another Space if that folder is already open in another Space (which is very distracting)

FWIW, that's Finder doing that, not Alfred. Alfred just asks the OS/app to open a file/folder/URL. Whether it opens a new or existing tab/window is up to the app doing the opening.


Getting Finder to open a new window every time would involve using its AppleScript API, and might not be possible under all circumstances.

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@deanishe thank you for clarifying that. Since I use spaces a lot I’ve created workflows to open new documents/windows for various apps (TextEdit, Safari) in the current Space, instead of throwing me into another Space. It’s helpful to know “who’s in charge” (Finder in this case) if I try to get the same functionality for Finder folders.


@dfay thank you, I’ll check that out, much appreciated.

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