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MacGourmet workflow request

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Posted (edited)

I love to cook and am in/out of MacGourmet 3 frequently.  Can someone help me in getting a workflow together--or lead me in the right direction in how to put this workflow together?  Or is this even doable?  


This is what I'd like to do:

1.  be able to search for a recipe name or ingredient, including the ability to search multiple ingredients.

2.  Not require the MacGourmet application to be open in order to do the search -- only have it open when selecting a recipe. 


Note:  or if someone would like to make the workflow, that too would be very much appreciated. :)



Edited by drking
  • 3 weeks later...

Okay, I figured this out on my own and was actually quite proud of myself.   :)  But the workflow isn't reliable.


When the workflow works, it searches the recipes title and content.  For example, if I want to cook something that has the ingredients chicken, onions, carrots, etc, I can search all recipes with these ingredients.  Awesome!  


But, I notice any cleaning of caches (with a program like Onyx or other) will cause problems to the workflow, because I have the data being pulled from the ~/Library/Cache/Metadata/MacGourmet folder.


I can remedy this of course by restarting the MacGourmet program and rebuilding OSX metadata


So my options so far (I think) are:

1. don't do any cache cleaning

2. if/when caches are cleaned, restart MacGourmet /rebuild data


Any other ideas how I can build this workflow?



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