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Accessibility: Larger Font Size in Alfred Preferences

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The issue

While you can change the font size of Alfred, the font size at some places of the Alfred preferences are relatively small and cannot be changed. Most notably, the font size of "Run Script" and "Script Filter" are annoyingly small as you use both of them for more than just one line (compared to, for example, the "Replace" Utility). Other areas of the Alfred preferences with small font size where you write a little bit more are snippets, "Copy to Clipboard", or "Run in Terminal".


Alternatives tried

- Decreasing the Mac OS Resolution to increase font sizes system wide. To a certain degree this helps, but the font size in some Alfred Preferences are still much smaller than in other apps, and decreasing resolution even further has weird results (and unreasonably big fonts...) in other apps, so it is not really an option.

- Using an "External Script" when it comes to "Run Script" and "Script Filter" to write the code just in your own text editor. This is the solution I mostly use right now, but it's also not perfect: it is often impractical to create an external script just for a few lines of code. Also, this solution does not work in other Areas like Snippets or "Run in Terminal".


How the issue could be resolved

Offer an option somewhere to increase the font size in Alfred Preferences.


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