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Large type Align Right and Align Centre error


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Hm how odd, I cannot reproduce this but @vitor can. The only thing I can think is there is something different on your Macs which is making macOS use the iOS Enum for text alignment, which is opposite to Mac:


/* Values for NSTextAlignment */
typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, NSTextAlignment) {
    NSTextAlignmentLeft      = 0,    // Visually left aligned
    NSTextAlignmentCenter    = 1,    // Visually centered
    NSTextAlignmentRight     = 2,    // Visually right aligned
    NSTextAlignmentRight     = 1,    // Visually right aligned
    NSTextAlignmentCenter    = 2,    // Visually centered
    NSTextAlignmentJustified = 3,    // Fully-justified. The last line in a paragraph is natural-aligned.
    NSTextAlignmentNatural   = 4     // Indicates the default alignment for script
} API_AVAILABLE(macos(10.0), ios(6.0), watchos(2.0), tvos(9.0));


I'll set up an internal mapping between the tag of the item you select and the alignment used in the views to see if that fixes things in the next release.




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30 minutes ago, Andrew said:

something different on your Macs which is making macOS use the iOS Enum for text alignment, which is opposite to Mac


I’m on an M1 MacBook Air and have one iOS app installed on it (Overcast). I deleted it (including from the Trash) plus all of its local settings and rebooted. No change in behaviour. Perhaps installing the first iOS app permanently changes something.


That would be a bug, but the VM situation of running macOS on a M1 host isn’t great yet, so can’t test that path.

I also have Rosetta 2 installed. Plus Xcode 13 and separate CommandLineTools from Xcode 12 because there’s a bug in 13 which prevents mpv from compiling. I have now deleted the separate CLT and am updating Xcode to 13.1. Seems unlikely that will do it, but if it does I’ll report back.

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