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List all running applications


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So far Alfred supports respectively hiding, quitting or force quitting running applications. Maybe it'd be a good idea to integrate these actions in one workflow, namely to list the running apps for activating, hiding, quitting or force quitting, using different modifier keys. 


I managed to list running apps using Applescript (`tell application "System Events" to get processes where background only is false`), but it's much slower than the native interface and doesn't support fuzzy match.

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3 hours ago, saor47 said:

but it's much slower than the native interface


Try this script. It uses the real APIs, not System Events, so it's much faster.


3 hours ago, saor47 said:

fuzzy match


Neither does Alfred. If you turn on “Alfred filters results” in your Script Filter, you’ll get basically the same behaviour as Alfred’s built-in quit command.


You might also be interested in the workflow I linked above as a starting point. It current only provides an option to quit apps, but it provides a way to specify groups of apps (e.g. "Games", "Not Games") and uses Alfred's File Buffer to save the apps to quit. In theory, you could just add File Actions for the other actions you want to perform (activate, hide, etc.).

Edited by deanishe
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19 hours ago, deanishe said:


Try this script. It uses the real APIs, not System Events, so it's much faster.



Neither does Alfred. If you turn on “Alfred filters results” in your Script Filter, you’ll get basically the same behaviour as Alfred’s built-in quit command.


You might also be interested in the workflow I linked above as a starting point. It current only provides an option to quit apps, but it provides a way to specify groups of apps (e.g. "Games", "Not Games") and uses Alfred's File Buffer to save the apps to quit. In theory, you could just add File Actions for the other actions you want to perform (activate, hide, etc.).

Thanks a lot! The API works like a charm :D


My solution for fuzzy match was to access Alfred's filecache database to get the match string. 😛

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Just now, saor47 said:

My solution for fuzzy match was to access Alfred's filecache database to get the match string. 😛


:D That sounds like an effective if complicated way of going about it…


Bear in mind that if you use "Alfred filters results", it only calls your script once, so filtering will be much faster.

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