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Is there an Alfred workflow to search open finder tabs?

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Is there an Alfred workflow to search open finder tabs?


I know you can search for the folder within Alfred and bring it up that way, but it would be more elegant to type "ftabs" or something similar and have it list the currently open finder tabs for you to navigate to, much like a browser workflow that would search currently open tabs. Is there a workflow that does this?

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Apologies, I did a quick search and couldn't find anything on this topic. Still, I am looking at the search link you've sent me and I don't see anything directly related to searching currently open finder tabs. The closest thing I see on that search is my own forum post asking about opening finder windows in tabs. And I use that script that you sent on there.


I am talking about brining up Alfred and having it display my open finder windows that I can navigate to from within Alfred. It would display each tab/window/path I have open and would switch to it like command and ` would. I don't think that this is impossible, perhaps this is a misunderstanding?


And you say its scripting API does not support tabs yet I use a script that opens finder paths in tabs, I think the script is something of a workaround so perhaps that's what you mean? Surely the computer reports which finder paths are currently open on the computer?

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42 minutes ago, Undertaker01 said:

I don't see anything directly related to searching currently open finder tabs.


Please be a bit more thorough than a quick search.


You're not the first person to realise that having a tabs workflow for Finder like you can get for some browsers would be awesome, and there are several explanations of why it isn't really possible to do.


42 minutes ago, Undertaker01 said:

Surely the computer reports which finder paths are currently open on the computer?


No, it doesn't. That's what I'm saying. Finder's scripting API does not support tabs. External programs, like workflows, can only "see" Finder windows, not the tabs within them.


AFAIK, the only option you have would be reading and "clicking" Finder's Window menu.

Edited by deanishe
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