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Keyboard Maestro + Alfred - Does anyone have suggestions?

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I just purchased Keyboard Maestro and I'm looking to get ideas & inspiration for macros, anything that can be done with a macro. I want to work to be lazy! I already have the Keyboard Maestro workflow (https://www.thoughtasylum.com/2021/03/23/alfred-workflow-keyboard-maestro/) but I'm simply looking for inspiration for what macros to create based on apps I use. Does anyone have any?


-> Does anyone have some examples for how people might integrate Alfred & Keyboard Maestro to build better workflows? I'm still new to Keyboard Maestro and there is a bit of a learning curve. I'm only scratching the surface for what I know can be done & what I'm doing now is already game-changing for me.


The apps I use daily use are: Brave Browser, Spotify, Alfred, Hazel, Discord, Apple Notes, Microsoft To Do, Apple Calendar, Quicktime/IINA, CustomShortcuts, Karabiner Elements, EQMac, Todoist (sometimes), Streamdeck, Dropzone 4, Apple Motion, Moom/Magnet, CommandPost, Numbers, Pages, Bartender 4, Script Editor/Xcode, Stickies, Bear(a notes app), Apple Podcasts, Apple Music(The app not the service, why can't it still be called iTunes!!) Minecraft, Fantastical(learning) iStat Menus, USB Overdrive, Pixelmator Pro and Final Cut Pro. There's more but I'll stop there, can you tell I'm a power user? Yes, I use these apps every day!

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