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An Alfred workflow to open current browser or clipboard url on Helium.  


Helium is a floating browser that stays allways on top of other windows and allows you to whatch media while do other stuff.


icon.png ss_floatingwindow.png



The first time you use this workflow with one of the supported browsers it will ask you for permissions to interact with the browser to get its current URL.



Just type lh (load helium) on alfred and the workflow will list the options based on your current open browsers.

Load in Helium

Supported Browsers

Actually the following browsers are supported:

safari Chrome Chromium Opera Vivaldi Brave Browser


To download the workflow check the Releases page.


Credits to: 

 - https://gist.github.com/vitorgalvao/5392178#file-get_title_and_url-applescript 
 - https://raw.githubusercontent.com/mgax/applescript-json/master/json.applescript
 - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/38041852/does-applescript-have-a-replace-function

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