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Get email address from contact in workflow

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Hello Alfreders!


I am trying to write a workflow that allows me to search for a contact, and get the email address from that contact for further processing. I really like the ease of the search workflow that Vero put together, but can't for the life of me figure out how to extract the email address.  Any and all ideas welcome, please.


Thank you.


@emorisse Welcome to the forum :)


What are you trying to do with the email address once you have it? 


The simplest way to pick an email address and perform an action on it is to pop up Alfred, type the name of your contact. Once you see the contact card, choose the email address you want to take action on and press the right arrow to show the Universal Actions* panel:




You can add your custom workflow as a Universal Action from there - If you need any help with the next part, please share what you want to do and we'll be happy to help!


[* It's worth noting that Universal Actions are much newer than the thread from 2015, which is why there's no mention of Universal Actions in that original thread :) ]



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