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Removing workflow when syncing with GoogleDrive [Fixed 4.6.4 b1289 pre-release]

Dan ODonovan

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Running Alfred 4.6.3 -- Monterey 12.0.1 (on an M1 Mac)

> What you were doing when the issue happened

With Alfred syncing to Google Drive, when attempting to remove a Workflow, the workflow is not removed and we see this error


[ERROR] Showing error in Alfred's Preferences: “user.workflow.EDE9F17C-BD2D-4E01-B7DC-6289397E6FFB” couldn’t be moved to the trash because the volume “Google Drive” doesn’t have one.


Which makes complete sense, but it does mean we can't remove or upgrade workflows! 

> Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action (Update any third-party apps and restart your Mac if relevant)

This is repeatable

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@Dan ODonovan You can manually remove a workflow by right-clicking it in the sidebar, revealing it in Finder and deleting it there.


Google Drive isn't a suitable sync service for Alfred's preferences, so you may find you encounter other issues, such as your preferences not being available on startup, resulting in Alfred creating new preferences, or conflict resolution being rather poor if you've changed files on two Macs at the same time. I would encourage you to back up to Time Machine regularly if you choose to use GD to sync your preferences.



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  • Andrew changed the title to Removing workflow when syncing with GoogleDrive [Fixed 4.6.4 b1289 pre-release]

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