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General preferences - Permissions field - Include a note if they do they need to be set?

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I am new to Alfred and have recently applied a couple of updates.  Following the updates I am presented with the General tab on Alfred Preferences and at the bottom of the list is Permissions with a button title "Request Permissions...".  


Since I have no idea if the update requires me to grant permissions again it would be nice if this General tab told me something about the permissions that need to be granted.  For example "3 of 4 Permission types currently granted".


In my case I have granted 3 of the 4 different permissions and Apple's UI adds sufficient friction to checking each permission set that I thought I would make this suggestion.


If I wasn't clear enough please let me know.    


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@Chip T If my memory serves me right, I don't believe Apple make it possible for us to know what permissions have been granted.


Having said that, there's no need to re-grant permissions when updating Alfred, if these are the recent updates you're referring to.


Sometimes, on macOS updates or when migrating your Mac data from one device to another, macOS can lose resolutions of which permissions you have. In that case, you'll find out soon enough; For example, it's one of the first troubleshooting steps we give if snippets aren't working as expected


If you're asking because something specific isn't working for you, please let me know and we'll help you out :)





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Thanks very much for your reply.


So, if I understand what you are saying, if I assume permissions are unchanged from my current state and all of a sudden Apple or Alfred reset the permissions. Alfred will prompt me that permissions need to be granted.


Thanks, it did not occur to me that this could provide information that might be considered private.  Guess it makes sense.


Again thanks!


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13 hours ago, Chip T said:

So, if I understand what you are saying, if I assume permissions are unchanged from my current state and all of a sudden Apple or Alfred reset the permissions. Alfred will prompt me that permissions need to be granted.


@Chip T Not quite. Alfred won't prompt you (as again, macOS doesn't give us transparency on this), but you'll realise that your snippets aren't expanding, for example. It also (usually) doesn't happen spontaneously; It happens during a macOS upgrade, or when migrating your whole OS from one Mac/Time Machine to another - a process you'll be doing consciously.


At this point, follow the instructions to re-grant permissions, which takes a few moments, and macOS will be once again aware of the permissions you're giving.


Hope this is clearer! :)

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