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Open existing Messages conversation from Alfred

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  • msg search


search will look at the names of the people you are having conversations with, as well as the names of chats with multiple people.  Selecting one from the list will switch to that chat in Messages.


(You can name a group chat. Right click on the chat in the list on the left. Choose Details. Select Change Group Name and Photo in the popup window.)



Known Issues

  • It will not scroll the chat list to the newly selected chat
  • It appears to start a new group chat when selecting one, but if you type a message it will add it to the "existing" chat and the "new" one will disappear. If you elect not to send a message after opening it here, you can delete (click on the x) the "new" chat without actually deleting the original one.
Edited by Charlie Schmidt
update link to generic releases page, instead of specific version
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