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Search scope: checkbox for folders instead of just add/remove

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Adding a checkbox for folders in the search scope list would enable temporary inclusions in / exclusions from the list, for example excluding ~/Library/Caches/Metadata most of the time and then checking it when an item can't be found normally.


I mention this mainly because I'm worried I'll forget what was in there originally and won't want to reset the list entirely because I'd lose my custom additions to it. Being able to keep the standard list in and just disable some of them instead of removing them entirely would avoid this.


(as an extension - automating changes to the list based on external factors, like workflow results or Focus settings would be cool)

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17 minutes ago, alaroldai said:

I mention this mainly because I'm worried I'll forget what was in there originally and won't want to reset the list entirely because I'd lose my custom additions to it.


Your list is saved to Alfred.alfredpreferences (on your sync location) → preferences → local → [a long hash] → features → defaultresults → prefs.plist. If you save that file somewhere, you can later restore it to its location (you can set up a Workflow to do that!), thus restoring your list as you want it.

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