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Launching Apps Via Alfred Not Making Window Active

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I'm currently able to launch applications using Alfred but although Alfred launches/starts the app, the application window does not pop-up on the screen. I have to either select it from the doc or use ALT-TAB to scroll through the currently open apps. It used to be that when an application was launched via Alfred, it would immediately show me the window upon launching. When I try doing the same thing via spot light, it does correctly active the window/app being launched. Any ideas/suggestions? I'm running latest version of MacOS and Alfred, neither are showing any available updates.

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@All4Alfred Welcome to the forum :) Could you please be more specific so that we can help you?


  • Which version of Alfred and macOS are you using? "Latest" isn't clear as that could be the latest Ventura beta or the latest public Monterey build, could be that you think you're on the latest but you're not, etc...
  • Does the issue happen with one specific app? Does it happen with all apps?
  • If you create a new temporary user account on your Mac, do you see the same behaviour?

The more information you can provide, the more likely we'll be able to help you troubleshoot this unusual issue on your Mac. :)



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  • 2 years later...

I am actually having the same issue. Im on Alfred 5.5 and Sonoma 14.6.1 . It usually only does it when I try to use my terminal workflow with iterm2 straight in Alfred, I'll use ;btop or ;brew update; brew upgrade and it will open iterm2 in the background but not launch the command or bring window to the front. I haven't tried from a temp user account, and it doesn't seem to happen every time. Seems to work fine when iterm2 is already running. but not when it has to open the app itself. I know this is an old thread but the only thing I could find on this. 


Thanks in advance for your help. I love Alfred. Tried raycast and it felt too bloated. Thanks for making a slick quick launcher. Excited to learn more about it and harness more of its power. 


-Jacob Howard

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