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Character count off by one


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Hello! Thanks for such a great piece of software. It's literally my favorite Mac app. I'm really enjoying the latest big update, but found one minor issue:


What you were doing when the issue happened

Using the workflow object "Automation Task" > "Get Text Metrics" > "Characters" when I noticed that it reports +1 of the real value. 


As a simple test, use the "Args and Vars" object to send the text "test" to the above mentioned Automation Task that should count the number of characters in the input. The output from this example is 5, even though "test" should be 4.


Whether you were able to replicate it a second time by performing the same action


Include the Alfred version & build number you are using (don't say "latest" - you'll find a version number in the Update tab of Alfred's preferences)

Alfred 5.0.1 [2067]


Include your macOS version

Mac OS Monterey 12.5

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