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How can I create a new desktop in a specific "location"?

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I want to be able to open a new desktop in a specific "location",meaning, i want it to be "desktop 3".
I usually open a new desktop and then move it to be number 3, and hopefully navigate to the new desktop.

I have found this script that creates new desktop

tell application "System Events"
  do shell script quoted form of "/System/Applications/Mission Control.app/Contents/MacOS/Mission Control"
  click button 1 of group "Spaces Bar" of group 1 of group "Mission Control" of process "Dock"
  do shell script quoted form of "/System/Applications/Mission Control.app/Contents/MacOS/Mission Control"
end tell

but this creates as {last desktop index}+1

I have also found this comment in the forum: 

based on this: https://eastmanreference.com/complete-list-of-applescript-key-codes
this can help me to navigate to the desktop once i will be able to move it to "desktop 3"



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