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Delete last "n" numbers of files from download folders

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I have built this workflow and need to configure it so that it asks me as to how many of last files I want to delete. Right now its deleting all of the download folder. 


Any sincere help is appreciated. I am fairly new to this Alfred scene and just want suggestions for this. Having hard time to create a filter which asks me about the number of files that I need to delete.



Screenshot 2022-09-07 at 6.17.05 PM.png


Good pivot. Understanding this simpler task will help with building the other one. Though in the future, please always upload your workflow somewhere when asking for help (transfer.sh is good temporary hosting) so we can download and iterate on what you have already built instead of having to recreate it.

Here is the functional Workflow, annotated. It uses the Arg and Vars Utility and uses a variable, as linked in the other thread.

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