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Snippet for Spaced Repetition in Drafts and Todoist

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Although I'm a Alfred User for many years now, I'm quite new here in this forum. 

I am using spaced repetitions for learning and reviewing stuff. I regularly creating tasks in Todoist for spaced repetition which are to be done in 3 days, 3 weeks and 3 months from the actual date.

My current idea to get this done is to use a Alfred snippet (or workflow?!) where I want to just put in the task name and start the snippet/workflow in Drafts. This should create a text like:

Taskname 1 in 3 days

Taskname 2 in 3 weeks

Taskname 3 in 3 months


Then I'll start a Drafts Action that create these tasks in Todoist.


As I'm not very familiar with snippets or workflows in Alfred: Is there a way to get this done with Alfred. Many thanks for any advice....

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