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Fast App Switching Stopped Working

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I've been using Alfred to both to launch and switch quickly between apps for what seems like almost forever and forever...


But something has happened within the last two(?) weeks and it's mostly not working. Double-hitting my shift key is so hardwired into me that it's the only way I launch or move between apps. I definitely notice when it stops working and it has been feeling quite awkward. The thing is that it works intermittently, something like 1 out of 5 times.  I'm usually switching between MailMate, Curio, Obsidian, Devonthink, Reminders, MS 365 apps, and Arc (Browser).  Not sure what happened. 


I've been tinkering with Mission Controls Spaces settings but it hasn't helped.



- Alfred version 5.0.6

- OSX Monterey 12.6 running on MacBook Pro 2015


Hoping someone can point me in the right direction


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My Alfred hot key is the shift key. I double-tap it, enter the first letter of the app I need (i.e. "d" for Devonthink), then it either launches the app or immediately brings me to the right Desktop Space where the app is already open and makes it active. Alfred has done this for me ever since I first installed it, years ago. There have been a few hiccups here and there but it overall it has been solid in this all through the years, upgrades, app versions, etc., etc. 


Now, when I double-tap the shift key, it sometimes takes me to the app, and sometimes doesn't. Sometimes it takes me to an empty Desktop Space. This is why I had suspicions about my Mission Control settings. I just did it this very minute and it correctly took me to Devonthink but then would not take me to Excel in a different Desktop Space. When I try to go to Obsidian, it always sends me to the same blank Desktop Space. I usually have Obsidian set to full screen mode.  

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Alfred’s method to switch to the app has stayed consistent. It pretty much works by telling macOS “hey, open this app”, and then it’s out of Alfred’s hands and macOS proceeds as it sees fit. Due to the simplicity of the method and this not being widespread, it suggests something else on your Mac is causing the change in behaviour. Try to think back to any changes or new apps that may have happened when this started. Also try temporarily creating a new user account and seeing if you can reproduce the behaviour.

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