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Weather workflow

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I keep getting an error trying to run this workflow. I'm using a ClimaCell API and as far as the log goes everything works until the last minute:


[alfred] 2021/01/07 18:57:42 loaded cache
[alfred] 2021/01/07 18:57:42 Error: 403 Forbidden


I'm assuming this is an issue with ClimaCell - as it hasn't worked for three separate locations.


Has anyone else experienced problems with ClimaCell APIs?

Screen Shot 2021-01-07 at 7.15.06 PM.jpg

Screen Shot 2021-01-07 at 7.15.14 PM.jpg

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I tested the workflow with ClimaCell this weekend, and I couldn't reproduce any issues (which doesn't mean there isn't a problem, just that it didn't show up for me).


One thing to do is run `wtr options` and verify that your ClimaCell key matches what's in your account at developer.climacell.co.

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@jason0x43 Is there a way to always show the temperatures like on the first image?

Because, I have to highlight each element to show weather status, temperature and so on.

It'd be a huge improvement.

And you could set it as an option inside the workflow, so that you can enable/disable it as long as you want.

Thank you for your hard work and it's a pleasure to use such useful workflows from the entire community.

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1 hour ago, jason0x43 said:

@pulgalipe Do you mean that the temperature, etc. values aren't visible until you highlight a particular item? If that's the case, it could mean that your color scheme is misconfigured (specifically, the "result subtext" color might be the same as the default background color).

I just did a clean installation of Big Sur.

And it does happens on my other Mac's as well.

I'm currently on latest Alfred and it does happens on each and every installation of mine.

Here's an Imgur album with some screenshots of a bunch of different themes: https://imgur.com/a/8PmuchM

And it does reports the information the same way in each of them, which is kinda odd.


EDIT: After some investigation I just found a hidden setting on my Alfred:
Appearance > Options > Show result subtext

Mine was set to "Only for Selected Result" instead of "Always".

After set it up it's working flawlessly.

Thank you!

Never though that was something messed up on my configuration.

But now it's working fine.


Edited by pulgalipe
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  • 8 months later...
  • 1 month later...
  • 3 weeks later...

I love this workflow! Newbie question: is it possible to make it so that hitting "return" from the results (i.e. on the "Weather for XXXXX" line) closes Alfred? I'm happy to go in and make the edit myself, if that might break something for other people, but I'm not sure where I'd do it.

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1 hour ago, npseaver said:

is it possible to make it so that hitting "return" from the results (i.e. on the "Weather for XXXXX" line) closes Alfred?


That should be doable, but it will involved editing some Go code. The command that shows the "Weather for XXX" Alfred item needs to be updated to send an argument rather than doing nothing (which is what it does now). That argument would then tell the workflow to stop rather than trying to get forecast data from the alfred-weather binary.


You're welcome to try your hand at that, or I could probably look into it in a couple weeks.

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22 hours ago, jason0x43 said:

You're welcome to try your hand at that, or I could probably look into it in a couple weeks.


Thanks! That's probably above my capabilities, but if it seems straightforward enough on your end, I think it would make a nice little quality-of-life improvement. Since hitting return is generally the way to leave Alfred, it felt like a natural thing to do, even though there's no output to be generated.

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  • 8 months later...
  • 4 weeks later...

Having errors after setting up API keys. I've got free accounts at OpenWeathermap.org and tomorrow.io (for clinacell). I put the API keys in the settings under 'wto'. When I try to use 'wtd' command with 'OpenWeather' selected, I get "Error 401: Unauthorized". My API key is active and it's a free account >24 hours old. When I try tu use 'wtd' command with 'ClinaCell' selected, I get "Error: Get “https://api.…macell.co: no such host" error. What am I doing wrong?

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  • 7 months later...

Ok, now that DarkSky has been borked fubar'd acquired by Apple, how do I get this to work? It keeps trying to call from the DS API. I've also added the OpenWeather key, but it seems to defer to DS. If there's a way to remove the DS call, that would probably work.



Edited by Jules
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  • 8 months later...
  • 2 weeks later...
On 4/3/2023 at 9:07 AM, Jules said:

Ok, now that DarkSky has been borked fubar'd acquired by Apple, how do I get this to work? It keeps trying to call from the DS API. I've also added the OpenWeather key, but it seems to defer to DS. If there's a way to remove the DS call, that would probably work.




I don't know of a way to remove the DS service, but you can choose one of the two other available services. Here is a YouTube video on how to do it. 

Edited by BocciaMan
grammar error
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