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some niche workflows

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I have a few workflows that I use regularly but their use cases are pretty narrow. I thought I'd share some of them in case others out there are interested. They are not super polished and documentation is minimal, happy to refine if anybody else other than me would like to use any of them.


Phonetic Spelling 🙊

An Alfred workflow for the phonetically challenged


  • use a hotkey or a keyword (default: spell)
  • actioning one item will show spelling in large font
  • shift+enter will open a custom dictionary (remember to leave at least one space between letter and word)
  • choose dictionary in Workflow configuration: currently included: American, English, International, Italian, German, Morse, American Civil War, custom.




Outlook email sweeper (aka alfred-emailstrom) 🧹

email sweep assistant


  • start 'email sprints' in Outlook
  • record email sweep rate over time
  • estimate number of sprints and time needed to clear your inbox
  • optional for Complice users: record email sprints in your complice account
  • a report is copied to the clipboard in markdown format


  • Workflow configuration setup:
    • keyword or hotkey to launch the workflow
    • email folder to watch
    • length of sprints
    • complice-related stuff
  • Note: menubar countdown needed to show a counter in the menubar.
    • brew install --cask menubar-countdown to install




Fetch outlook meeting details 📎

  • Grab event details from your Outlook calendar without selecting them or focusing on the app.


  • Set the time interval in `Workflow configuration`, e.g: 0 will show concurrent events, 10 events that will be concurrent in 10 min etc. 
  • Actioning an event will copy to clipoboard in Markdown format




Alfred-line-a-day 〰️

one-line-a-day journal


If you, like John Quincy Adams, like to summarize a day in one line (typically ~100 characters), this simple workflow will add a timestamp and save it in your txt or md file.






Edited by giovanni
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  • giovanni changed the title to some niche workflows

I love the phonetic spelling one! So useful when you're clumsily trying to spell out a name on a bad phone line 🤣 I particularly like that you've made it possible to change dictionary, as I'm trying to remember the NATO one as best I can. 


As a little note, the "spell" default keyword is the same as the built-in Dictionary feature keyword, which means both show up when the workflow isn't explicitly selected before typing:


Screenshot 2023-03-16 at 09.12.38.png


Not a big deal, but thought I'd mention :)

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18 hours ago, giovanni said:



Alfred-line-a-day 〰️

one-line-a-day journal


If you, like John Quincy Adams, like to summarize a day in one line (typically ~100 characters), this simple workflow will add a timestamp and save it in your txt or md file.






Giovanni -- i just tried this workflow and it doesn't write text to my file..... i'm getting the following error in the debugger:



[08:59:31.046] line-a-day[Script Filter] Processing complete
[08:59:31.054] line-a-day[Script Filter] Passing output 'testing 1 2' to Run Script
[08:59:31.057] line-a-day[Script Filter] Passing output 'testing 1 2' to Copy to Clipboard
[08:59:31.159] ERROR: line-a-day[Run Script] Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Volumes/dbox v3/Dropbox (Personal)/Alfred/Alfred.alfredpreferences/workflows/user.workflow.02BA9B8D-39B9-4153-A61D-071748591B3F/lineZap.py", line 17, in <module>
    myFile = os.path.expanduser(os.getenv('MYFILE_HOME'))
  File "<frozen posixpath>", line 232, in expanduser
TypeError: expected str, bytes or os.PathLike object, not NoneType

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  • 2 weeks later...

@giovanni The Phonetic Spelling workflow was added to the Gallery at https://alfred.app/workflows/giovanni/phonetic-spelling/.


Note you don’t need the export PATH=/opt/homebrew/bin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH line. That is duplicating folders already in Alfred’s PATH.


Also, instead of using $HOME/Library/Application Support/Alfred/Workflow Data/$alfred_workflow_bundleid/custom.txt it’s best to use ${alfred_workflow_data}/custom.txt. Fewer characters and more future proof. See available variables.

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4 minutes ago, giovanni said:

I thought the path export was recommended for users who had brew-installed pythons


It matters for a workflow which needs to support Alfred 4, but not one which only supports Alfred 5. Which is the case since it uses Workflow Configuration.


50 minutes ago, giovanni said:

but perhaps that is now included in the default path? 


It is, yes.

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