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introducing alfred-readwise 📚

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An Alfred Workflow for your Readwise account





- Quickly list, search, and open your Readwise highlights
- Add new highlights to your account through Alfred


Setting up ⚙️


- Alfred 5 with Powerpack license
- A Readwise license
- Python3 


Default settings 
- In Alfred, open the 'Configure Workflow' menu in alfred-readwise preferences
    - set the keyword for the workflow (default: !r)
    - set the keyword to force refresh (default: readwise:refresh)
    - set the Readwise API token (login into your account, then copy it here)
    - set what to show in results: books, tweets, supplementals, articles, podcasts
    - set refresh rate (in days). Default: 30
    - set 'book' name from highlights entered via Alfred. Default: Highlights from Alfred
    - set search scope:
        - Highlight: search highlight text only
        - Book: search book titles only
        - Both (default): search across highlights and book titles

Basic Usage 📖

Searching your Readwise database 🔍
- launch with keyword (default: !r), or custom hotkey
- standard search will be through highlight text and book titles. Multiple word (fragments) supported
- typing # will prompt a label search which can be added to the standard search, multiple labels supported
    - enter ↩️ will show the highlight in large font and copy to clipboard
    - command-enter ⌘↩️ will open the source URL if available (typically for tweets)
    - ctrl-enter ^↩️ will open the highlight on Readwise
    - shift-ctrl-enter ⇧^↩️ will open all highlights from that book on Readwise

Entering new highlights
- Universal Action: new highlights can be created by selecting text in any app, then launching Universal Actions and selecting Create a new Readwise highlight. The corresponding text will be assigned to a 'book' titled as set in alfred-readwise preferences (default: Highlights from Alfred).

Database refresh 🔄
- will occur according to the rate in days set in alfred-readwise preferences, or...
    - readwise:refresh to force database refresh

Limitations & known issues ⚠️

- None for now, but I have not done extensive testing, let me know if you see anything!


Acknowledgments 😀

- Thanks to the Alfred forum community!

Changelog 🧰

- 04-04-2023: version 0.1

Feedback 🧐

Feedback welcome! If you notice a bug, or have ideas for new features, please feel free to get in touch either here, or Github. 

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