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User Configuration vs Environment Variables

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Hi, is there a difference between variables defined in user configuration section of the workflow and environment variables? The only diff I could find is the variables in user configuration show up when user clicks "configure workflow". But they are accessed the same way code/workflow. Any other difference?

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Yes, that is the difference. It’s a pretty significant one. Not only is it clearer for users it’s harder to get wrong. For example, with a popover button in Workflow Configuration you guarantee a certain variable will exist and that it will be one of a set of values. Same thing for checkboxes and marking values as required. That makes code way simpler with less error checking needed. In general you should give preference to Workflow Configuration.

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Think of Environment Variables as workflow developer global variables / constants which will be seen throughout the workflow, and set on the scripting environment. If you're never intending to share your workflow, it'll probably be faster to just put variables and values in here.


User Configuration (Renamed Configuration Builder in v5.1) is designed to make it easier for users when you share your workflow. Any items needed to configure or tweak the configuration of your workflow can be presented to the user in a simple and consistent UI. This UI is also presented to the user when they install or update the workflow.


Under the hood, they are used in the same way.

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