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Open a specific Discord chat with Alfred?

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Hi everyone, I'm wondering if there's a way to create an Alfred app workflow that can launch a specific chat in Discord. For example, if I type "discord #general" in Alfred, it would open the #general channel in my default Discord server. Or if I type "discord @user" it would open a direct message with that user. I know there are some workflows that can launch apps or websites with Alfred, but I'm not sure how to do it with Discord chats. Does anyone have any idea or experience with this? Thanks in advance!

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The Discord app is written in Electron and doesn't have support for many of the Mac specific features that Alfred and other apps use to help automate requests like that. I don't even think that Discord has URL support to parse URLs internally. As @andy4222 mentions, you may want to look at using the web interface to try to do this as you can control your browser. 

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  • 6 months later...

Really wish this were allowed by Discord. I hate having to click on the Application icon, scroll to find the exact server I'm looking for, or click my messages in top left and then search for the server name. Very tedious when you have lots of servers across all kinds of topics. 

Edit: Discovered the QuickSwitcher ⌘+K (this is great). Would be great to do this globally (via Alfred) but this makes my flow a lot easier. 

Edited by iamse7en
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