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Repeated hotkey to cycle results?

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I am using a Running Apps workflow. I hit the hotkey and I see the list, with the first result highlighted. Hitting the hotkey again just re-generates the list with the first result highlighted again. 

Instead of re-generating the list, is it possible to cycle through the results, highlighting them one by one with each subsequent hotkey press?


If there's nothing built-in to solve this, might there be any known workarounds?

Any guidance would be greatly appreciated!

Edited by Raffi
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4 hours ago, Raffi said:


Instead of re-generating the list, is it possible to cycle through the results, highlighting them one by one with each subsequent hotkey press?

I may have misunderstood something (in which case please provide a link to the workflow so that someone can look at it)…but is there any reason you'd not use (down arrow) to cycle through the result list?


Edit: Of course, you can also use the Alfred shortcut keys shown in the results list (if I've correctly understood you).



Edited by Stephen_C
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Thank you very much for the prompt response, Stephen! I appreciate your thought and time. 

The reason is just an easier and faster user experience. It saves having to go to another key for cycling the list (and cycling is specifically what I'm looking to do rather than the shortcuts you mention in the list). 

(My workflow, which I don't have with me at this moment to share, is just a hotkey pointing to the native Running Apps 'input' that Alfred offers. No more than that.)

But in my view any solution would be at the Alfred level (that is, maybe a setting or feature I'm unaware of), rather than at the workflow level (the ability to cycle on repeated click doesn't appear as an option on the hotkey).

Edited by Raffi
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