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Quicklook action or output

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I propose adding "Quicklook File" to the list of actions along with Open File, Reveal File in Finder, etc. or as an output, as I have a purpose for displaying a file referenced in an existing workflow. As my workflow exists now, I have a modifier key triggering Alfred's browser (filtering to show that file only), and I then hit the shift key to Quicklook from there. I'd like to avoid calling up the browser at all.


I've read some posts about people trying to get Alfred to display the content of text files by using scripts and clipboard tricks, so it seems this would help for those situations and for many file types beyond.


Perhaps there is already a way for Alfred to directly Quicklook a target filename that is known, as opposed to having to browse?


Thanks for any advice and all your efforts! Alfred is truly wonderful :)


Edit: I've altered to have Alfred run a script to execute qlmanage -p "filename" and that helps I guess, but I must close the <non-Finder> Quicklook window via mouse control... I'd still like to have native support for Alfred to pass a file to Quicklook ;)

Edited by Zork
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