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An explanation of the "Simple Ideas” posts

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I am aware that Simple Ideas appears to have grown like Topsy. That was not originally intended but it seems now to have a life of its own. I apologise to those who find the posts tedious and too basic. They're not designed for those who chat in JSON and JavaScript over the supper table. If you are one of those people do please ignore the posts to avoid distress.

I aim to post only on aspects of Alfred about which I have some basic understanding—which clearly bars me from any dive into Alfred's depths. I try to think of the posts in terms of what would have helped me when I first nervously dabbled trying to write workflows.

Yet to come:

  • Variables and cheese sandwiches
  • I've got a little list…(2)
  • Goodness knows what else (which means I don't)

Ideas and comments are welcome—but please don't expect anything too sophisticated!


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Don't worry about it, I’ve only been seeing positive reception! Keep ’em coming!


2 hours ago, Stephen_C said:

I try to think of the posts in terms of what would have helped me when I first nervously dabbled trying to write workflows.


That is so so much the right attitude. Thumbs up.


2 hours ago, Stephen_C said:

Ideas and comments are welcome—but please don't expect anything too sophisticated!


Any of your workflows which is done without code seems like a perfect candidate for a deconstruction.


And here’re a neat trick. A URL for all of your Simple Ideas posts: https://www.alfredforum.com/search/?&q="Simple ideas%3A"&author=Stephen_C&search_and_or=and&search_in=titles&sortby=relevancy

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@Stephen_C I agree with Vitor. I think the simpler the better!!! There is so much power in some of the built in objects that they are often overlooked until one reads the getting started guide, which not everyone is going to dive deeply into. 


Here are some suggestions from me … they are things have have helped me squeeze more out of Alfred. It is often the simple things I use the most.

Just like Huey Lewis once sang, “The Power of File Filters”
- a workflow that shows off how to narrow the focus of the search
- i.e. choosing file types, scope, and search fields.
- i have a couple of file filters that have kMDItemDisplayName with a pre-populated value. It took me years to discover this could be done!


Write Text File/Append to Text file
- something that shows the hidden strength of these objects
- something with variables that maybe append to files
- something populates a new files with a snippet inside of one of these objects
- man, snippets and this object are like peanut butter and chocolate!
- something that uses a variable for the file path of a new file


Taking snippets to the streets (snippets aren't just for Michael McDonald)
- all the places snippets can be used in a workflow
- dynamic placeholders in snippets/workflows

Edited by sepulchra
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@sepulchra thanks for the ideas…but I think we need to come to some sort of arrangement. You see, I'm a little ashamed to admit that I don't use Snippets (I've used Typinator for years) so I think you should do the ones involving Snippets. 😀


However, I shall adopt Vitor's suggestion for a deconstruction of some of my non-code workflows—and, in doing that, cater for some of the ideas you mentioned. I'll just cover a little more basic stuff first and then, when we have all the building blocks in place, start with some of my basic workflows.


Please feel free to continue to comment (your comments are always valuable) and to contribute anything along the same lines!



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Not be a pusher -- but i think it would good for the community to have your brain in snippets. I made the transition from TextExpander when they went to subscription and I have never looked back. Come to this side of the pool, this water is warm!

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22 minutes ago, sepulchra said:

Come to this side of the pool, this water is warm!

<Drowning noises off>


I, too, moved from TextExpander the moment it went subscription. But, really, I'd be hard put to abandon Typinator: I have so much in it, including "mini-programs" that Do Things™️.


While my brain is certainly small enough to fit in a Snippet 😁 I have reason to suppose you might be well qualified to prepare some sort of presentation on Snippets. 😉



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