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Can't delete snippets or snippet groups in Alfred 5.5 [2257]


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Not sure if I'm missing something, doing something wrong or if Alfred is ignoring me :)


Deleting a snippet doesn't work

Steps to reproduce:

  1. install a snippet group
  2. try to remove a single snippet via the - button, confirm by pressing Delete
  3. nothing happens


Deleting a snippet group doesn't work

Steps to reproduce:

  1. install a snippet group
  2. try to remove a the snippet group via the - button, confirm by pressing Delete
  3. nothing happens







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Ah, dammit - I meant to include my os version...


macOS 14.4.1 (23E224)

Preferences stored in iCloud


Thanks for the thread - will have a look

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  • 3 months later...

@Dmytro Parfeniuk Welcome to the forum.


Did you take a look at the advice above linked above regarding where your preferences are stored, ensuring they're available offline?


Could you please provide your Diagnostics file, which you can get by typing "?diagnostics" into Alfred? You can then email it to our info@ address and I'll take a look.

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Hey, @Vero! Nice to meet you!


So actually after some troubleshooting I understood that it happends if Alfred Configuration file is placed in iCloud folder.

Once I have pointed to the Desktop folder with the copy of this preferences file - everything works perfect.

Could be a problem with iCloud sync?


@rhyd probably might be your case as well.


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Another thing. I just tested and it fixed my Workflow Note message editing process.

While the configuration was in the iCloud storage, I faced that after saving text for my Workflow Note, I missed it. And it always worked from the second try. I moved the preferences file to the local folder and the problems were just gone.

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