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File Filter keyword and "with space" option

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When using a File Filter object, there's a "with space" option for the Keyword. However, even with this unticked, using the Keyword without a space does nothing. Once I enter a space, Alfred shows the list of matching files/folders. 


If I tick "with space", entering a space after the keyword then does nothing, unless I start typing a term to search the matching files. And of I enter two spaces, Alfred then shows the list of matching files/folders.





Edited by Alex
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Hi @vitor, thanks for explaining.


I have connected a hotkey object to my File Filter that lists recent files in my key folders, and it's working well. However, is it possible to enable history like you can when using the main Alfred Hotkey, so I can browse back through recent searches using my File Filter? Or any other way to make the results persistent?

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