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Alfred cannot find applications


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The alfred cannot find most applications since an upgrade. This situation has lasted for about 3 months. For example, it cannot find "Terminal".

macOS version: 14.5 Alfred version: 5.5[2257]


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16 hours ago, Stephen_C said:

Welcome to the forum.


Have you gone through all of the suggestions on this Alfred help page: Troubleshooting File Indexing Issues?



Alfred finds the app after a while when I type spacebar or 'find' command first. But it cannot find the app directly. I've gone througn other suggestions but they did not help.

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Please choose the app you can't find directly in Alfred, run the built in troubleshooting (as on the page to which I linked) and post the results in this thread.



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10 minutes ago, Stephen_C said:

Please choose the app you can't find directly in Alfred, run the built in troubleshooting (as on the page to which I linked) and post the results in this thread.



It seems that  after I deleted .Spotlight-V100 Folder , rebooted mac and manually rebuilt the metadata, everything is ok. Thanks!

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